International (MNN) — Remember the day you first trusted Jesus? Remember the thoughts that went through your head when you first asked Him to take control of your life?
The Luis Palau Association invites you to breathe that memory in deep and think of the ways your life has changed since then. (Click here to view a short video that will help you along.)
The hard truth is: there are billions of lives that have yet to experience not only the joy of this first commitment, but the eternal, life-changing impact of the decision.
Evangelist Luis Palau and his team travel around the world preaching the Gospel to tens of thousands of people every year. With every rally, Palau offers an invitation for people to come to the Lord, whether they live in poverty or in wealth, whether they have a drug addiction, a dysfunctional family, or simply a piece missing.
Many thousands have come to the Lord after hearing Palau succinctly explain the Gospel message. No matter what nation they belong to, they are allowed the opportunity to enter into the Kingdom of God, just as you were on the day you first trusted the Savior.
When you support the work of evangelism, you introduce souls to salvation. And Palau's ministry is made possible through support.
When you partner with the Luis Palau Association, you proclaim the hope and love of our Savior Jesus Christ! From now through December 31, for every gift you give, a $125,000 matching challenge will enable it to be matched, directly reaching more people for Jesus Christ.