(BCS/MNN) — Bethany Christian Services "One Family" campaign partners U.S.
cities with cities abroad.
idea stemmed from the concept that we are all One Family under God. Christians have an opportunity to reach out
and help Bethany families in Chichicastenango, Guatemala, and surrounding
areas. Children there are hungry, they lack proper housing, and often cannot go to
goal of "One Family" is to provide critical support to communities in
need around the world in the development of a sustainable orphan care system to
ensure that children who have lost one or both parents to war, AIDS, disease,
abandonment, poverty or natural disaster, receive the love and nurturing they
Through sponsorship, believers come together to provide customized
care for a family. Monthly support means
a case worker can work directly with a family to help them get through a
crisis. It's the best gift someone can give a child: a strong, intact family.
Bethany also helps provide what's needed to keep the kids moving
forward. For example, the next school
year is right around the corner.
Guatemala, not only are supplies needed for the classwork, but so are things
like uniforms and shoes. It means the
difference between attending and not attending school, because the items are
notes that children attending school there must have typical black shoes (for
every day) and tennis shoes (for gym class). However, with most of the
population living on less than $2 per day, these requirements can become a
burden for families.
partner in Guatemala is reaching out to these struggling families. Not only are they providing shoes, but they are actually
making the black shoes that children need. From there, you may ask how the
Gospel intersects with this story.
ministry's mission calls their staff to demonstrate the love and compassion of
Jesus Christ by protecting and enhancing the lives of children and families
around the world. Want to help provide necessary supplies for children in
Guatemala? Join the efforts through the "One Family" campaign. Let
them know you care.