USA (MNN) — Christmas is a happy time for many people. However, the holiday season can be difficult for many, especially those who are separated from family and friends. Long-haul truckers are affected by loneliness this time of year. Biblica wants to provide them with hope and encouragement.
Biblica CEO Doug Lockhart says they have a resource that can help. It's called "The Road Home." "'The Road Home' is a Bible. It's a New Testament Bible with a cover on it that's a truck. There are stories and testimonies within that New Testament that really are designed to connect with a trucker."
Lockhart says "The Road Home" helps Christian truckers. "That Christian truck driver who's out on the road and lonely can certainly identify with some of the testimonies that are in the New Testament, as well as the Bible is right there so they can engage in the Bible."
"The Road Home" can also be used to make a difference with friends and colleagues. "The hope is that Christian truck drivers would say, 'Boy, you know, when I'm at a stop or interacting with another driver, this is a Bible like they've never seen before because of the cover. And it might connect with them in a new way. They might just be more open to God's Word because of it."
Lockhart says at $2.50 a copy, "People can buy them and have a case in their truck. It's just a wonderful evangelism tool. The hope is that during that loneliness, the design of the cover or the stories inside [will] grab hold of their heart, and they begin to engage in God's Word and find Christ."
We bought this bible two years ago and have been searching for it ever since. The drivers loved it. We give out over 200 bibles and gift bags every Christmas to drivers that are passing through our area. Would love to be able to get this bible again.
I didn’t see the Bible with a truck on it in your catalog.
Please send me information on how to order these.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Jesse, The article you referenced is archived on our website from 2011, so that campaign has expired. To see what Buckner is currently doing, visit their website at http://www.buckner.org/. God Bless!