Sri Lanka (MNN) — Over 400 believers are taking the Gospel from “sea to shining sea” aboard a ship called Logos Hope.
It’s part of Operation Mobilization’s ships ministry, or OM Ships.
“Our ships operate in ‘regions’ of the world; they can’t crisscross the world, so they move from region to region,” explains OM’s Randy Grebe.
OM Ships began in 1970 as part of the global Christian training and outreach movement, OM International. Since then, OM’s ships have visited over 450 different ports in more than 150 countries and territories, and welcomed over 42 million visitors on board.
OM Ships’ current ministry platform, Logos Hope, is berthed in Sri Lanka until September 23.
“There are so many opportunities and needs in Sri Lanka,” says Grebe. “It fits well into our schedule.”
Over 12,000 people came aboard Logos Hope since the visit started, and many thousands more will visit before the ship sails on.
“One major part of the ministry is what we do aboard the ship,” Grebe explains. “We bring knowledge, help, and hope.”
The ship’s “floating book fair” offers over 5,000 titles, providing many visitors their first-ever opportunity to purchase quality educational and Christian literature. Grebe says the ship’s “Visitor Experience” is another big draw, where the “Journey of Life” tells one of Christ’s most famous stories: the tale of the prodigal son, found in the book of Luke.
Learn more about the ministry of OM Ships here.
Grebe says crew members are serving people onshore, too. Through each OM Ships activity, people hear the Gospel.
“We’re doing things like free eye-testing clinic, where we provide free reading glasses to people,” states Grebe. “We also have water filtration installations.
“Another project we’re doing is what we call ‘Library on a Pallet.'”
Back in the OM Ships U.S. office, thousands of Bibles and other pieces of Christian literature were packed and sent on pallets to Logos Hope.
“We’ll be distributing those ‘Libraries on a Pallet’ to schools and churches and other institutions there in Sri Lanka,” Grebe explains.
Prior to their arrival in Sri Lanka, the Logos Hope crew ministered to people in Singapore, Cambodia, Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand.
“We were in several ports in the Philippines,” says Grebe. “In that country, the opportunities are countless.”
In Malaysia, “We saw large numbers of people come onboard,” Grebe says. “Generally, 8,000-10,000 every weekend.”
What’s next for Logos Hope? “We’ve got some very interesting countries, cultures, peoples, and opportunities ahead,” says Grebe.
From Sri Lanka, the vessel will visit several countries in the Arabian Gulf: Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates.
Will you pray?
“We’re moving past Somalia…kind of in that ‘pirate’ area of the world,” he adds. “That’s…probably the most difficult place to sail through, and we’ll be going right through that area.”
While you’re praying for the safety of this ship and her crew members, pray for successful connections with host countries. Grebe says they can’t port in these countries without invitation.
“How is it that a huge 450-foot ship with 400 believers is able to sail into these countries? Number one, we’re invited by the country,” he explains.
“Number two, we’re just there making friends. We’re connecting, and we’re sharing a lot of coffee in our International CafĂ©.”
Know someone who loves adventure and has a passion for sharing the Gospel? Share this story with them. Learn more about OM Ships here.
Plz pray for koya people.