USA (MNN) — In 1975, LeAnn Thieman 'accidentally' got
caught up in the Vietnam Orphan Airlift. She's used that war zone experience to encourage other believers that
they too can make a difference in the world.
Thieman wrote about her life-changing experience in her
book, This Must Be My Brother.
Her story is the highlight of the Livonia, Michigan Prayer
Breakfast on April 30. The
Livonia Prayer Breakfast is a version of the National Prayer Breakfast held
annually in Washington, D.C. Its focus
has been on bringing inspirational speakers to communicate positive,
faith-filled principles that will inspire people to "think globally and act
This year's event benefits Global Aid Network and its
efforts to help with Haitian earthquake relief.
Since the earthquake struck Haiti, Global Aid Network has
had trauma counseling, medical and food distribution teams on the ground
responding to the needs and assisting the hurting. Global Aid Network has
provided medical attention for more than 15,000 people.
In partnership with Campus Crusade for Christ's JESUS Film ministry,
more than 22,000 people have heard the Gospel presentation, and approximately
700 people have indicated that they accepted Christ as Savior and Lord.
GAiN USA demonstrates
the love of God as they provide hope for the hurting through relief and
development projects.