Sierra Leone (MNN) — In Africa's poorest country, clean water is hard to come by. Children in particular easily contract waterborne diseases, which often contributes to the unfathomably high child mortality rate in Sierra Leone.
The problem could be quickly reduced if only there were a way to access clean water.
World Hope International has built wells in Sierra Leone while working on a host of other projects in that area over the years, but they can only be built as funds allow. It costs $3,500 to build and install one well, which will typically provide clean water for about 700 to 1,000 people.
The Fishers Rotary Club of Fishers, Indiana took note of these facts and partnered with World Hope with the goal of helping them build 100 more wells in Sierra Leone by 2011. Recently, members of the club took a trip to Sierra Leone to see the impact of a single well in a community, with the intent of filming the experience.
"[The club] put together an incredible documentary as to the need and the hopes of the people, what they would do with clean water, and how it would benefit their country–especially their children," says World Hope CEO Karl Eastlack.
At the April 17 premier of the livingWELL documentary, $300,000 of the necessary $350,000 to build the 100 wells was raised. People were touched by the film and clearly moved to help as they could.
As World Hope teams build these wells to bring life to thousands in the poorest countries in the world, they will also have the chance to talk about the life Christ gives.
"We have a wonderful opportunity. In every village in which we dig these wells, we then present the Gospel using water as an understanding. It's amazing the lights that come on in people's eyes when they clearly understand what Jesus Christ offers them for eternity."
Although the Fishers Rotary Club has made spectacular headway in fundraising so far, more funding is needed to reach the goal of 100 wells for Sierra Leone. To contribute to the project, click here.
To view a trailer of livingWELL, click here. Several other clips of the documentary can be viewed at the Fishers Rotary Club Web site for the project, waterislife.org.