USA (MNN) — James 1:27 tells Christ-followers, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
It’s more than a company mission for Family Christian employees. They’re actually living it out.
“[At] Family Christian, we send our employees on mission trips…throughout the year,” explains Family Christian’s Senior Buyer of Music, DVD, and Kids, Alex Mosoiu.
Mosoiu just got back from a five-day mission trip to Oaks Indian Mission, a Family Christian ministry partner located in Oaks, Oklahoma.
“It was just an amazing experience for all four of my boys, and myself and my wife, to serve alongside each other and to do service work and to interact with kids.”
Fulfilling James 1:27 as a family
Mosoiu and his family worked alongside other Family Christian employees, painting dorms and making repairs. There was some initial concern, on Mosoiu’s part, about the group’s acceptance of his youngest sons.
“When you have an 8- and a 9-year-old, you know, they’re not able to work as hard,” he explains.
“But it was amazing how the team kind of ‘gelled together,’ and…how my entire family was kind of ‘adopted in’ to everything.”
In fact, Mosoiu’s 9-year-old son got to lead team devotions during the trip. The team became so close that it was hard to say good-bye.
“My 8-year-old started crying at the end and said, ‘I hope I see you guys all again, I just love you so much!'” shares Mosoiu, adding that team bonds were strengthened by a common focus on serving the Lord.
“As a parent, nothing warms your heart more than seeing your kids — both your grown kids and your young kids — serve others and serve the Lord.”
Dual purpose
Helping Oaks Indian Mission cross some projects off their “to-do list” wasn’t the Family Christian team’s only goal. The group’s main focus was being Christ to the vulnerable kids cared for by the Oaks staff.
“We’re very intentional about having interaction with the people that we’re serving. We just loved on them as if they were our kids,” says Mosoiu.
The Oaks kids are not used to receiving love and attention. School-age children come to live temporarily at the Oaks for two reasons — either their parents have voluntarily submitted them into the program, or authorities have placed them into foster care.
No matter how painful their backgrounds, Native kids find the love of a family and eternal Truth through caring “house parents.”
“They share Christ and encourage the kids and disciple them and give them that structure and framework,” Mosoiu says.
They make sure kids know, “You are created in Christ’s image, and He has a plan for you; and He wants you to do better than what’s happened to you in your past,” he explains.
Please pray that kids will be drawn to Christ by the team’s example.
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