Literacy classes change everything for a family

By June 25, 2024

India (MNN) — For adults trapped in poverty, reading and writing skills can transform their entire lives! That’s why Mission India organizes adult literacy classes to introduce men and women to Christ and lift them up through education. 

Regan Miller with Mission India shares the story of a woman named Rajeshree, whose family was in a downward spiral of poverty. 

“She and her husband were both illiterate. The only jobs they could get were low-paying, day labor jobs,” Miller says. “They really were in need of hope.”

Mission India, Rajeshree, adult literacy classes

Today, Rajeshree is a follower of Christ and a small business owner. (Photo courtesy of Mission India)

As Rajeshree and her husband fell into addiction to alcohol and tobacco, their family sunk deeper into poverty. She became more and more responsible to provide for their needs, which quickly led to exhaustion, anger and hopelessness. 

“As much as she wanted to change her life, she didn’t know how. Then an adult literacy class came along, and she was able to enroll. Not only did she learn how to read and write, but she got care from a compassionate Christian teacher,” Miller says. 

“Through that teacher’s discipleship and the Bible-based lessons, Rajeshree actually came to faith in Jesus, and it changed everything.” 

Because of Jesus, Rajeshree’s entire demeanor changed from bitterness to kindness. She and her husband realized the harmful effects of tobacco and alcohol and quit both. She also received training on how to start a small business of locally sourced products. 

“She was so excited. She learned how to make dish soap, laundry detergent, cooking oil, all kinds of practical things that people in the neighborhood would need to buy anyway,” Miller says. (Read even more about her story here.)

Would you pray that Rajeshree’s entire family will come to know Christ as Savior? You can also be part of sending another person like her to literacy class this upcoming school year. 

“It only costs $40 for a student to go to one of these classes for a whole year,” says Miller. 

Learn more and sponsor a literacy class student here.



Header photo courtesy of Mission India.

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