India (MNN) — Have you ever used an ultrasound to share the Gospel? Life Matters Worldwide educates national believers about pro-life issues and equips them with resources like ultrasound machines so they can reach out to women with unplanned pregnancies. By starting conversations with women about life and its value, doors open to share the message of Christ.
Bob Foust recently visited India with Life Matters to teach 200 pastors about the process.
“There are, around the world, 55 million abortions a year. India ranks about 4th on that list of abortions per capita,” Foust shares. “If the Church is ‘geared up’ and ready to reach [women] at that point, I believe [it] can be a great, great opportunity.
Saving unborn lives involves the Church
A report issued last year reveals a woman dies every two hours in India because she had an unsafe abortion.
“There’s a very low esteem of life. Many abortions are provided there in India, both legal and illegal,” notes Foust.
“They’re going to be affected by abortion in the Church, just like we are in the U.S.”
Realizing this fact, national pastors wanted to know how they can encourage people in their communities to choose life.
“The pastors wanted to get fortified and know exactly what the Scripture teaches on the matter,” Foust says. He taught pastors about the biblical theology behind pro-life movements and how to develop sermons focusing on this subject. For many, it was their first time even hearing about an option called “pro-life.”
Life Matters partner in India shared the impact of Foust’s message in a recent letter.
“He said, ‘Bob’s teaching and preaching on the sanctity of life was wonderful. Many lives were touched, hearts convicted, and eyes opened,'” recounts Foust. “‘A hole has been cut in the ice, and we can move forward.'”
Some of the pastors in attendance are now planning to start pregnancy centers in their community. Foust and some others have already been invited back to help teach Indian lay people how to provide biblical counseling to women who’ve had an abortion.
But, none of this can happen without your help.
“[It] takes a great deal of funds: not just for the [ultrasound] machine, but getting it through customs, shipping, getting all the legalities across nations,” Foust explains.
Come alongside Life Matters’ work financially here.
Life Matters Worldwide
Foust formerly served on Life Matters’ Board of Directors and remains a close friend of the ministry, which began as Baptists for Life, Inc. back in 1984.
Today, Life Matters Worldwide pursues a three-fold goal: education, mobilization, and partnership. The ministry articulates the biblical pro-life message in ways that honor God and move His people. Life Matters also trains God’s people for pro-life ministry in their churches and communities, and works alongside God’s people in pro-life ministry at home and abroad.
Learn more about their work here.
Life Matters in India
Life Matters Worldwide began working in eastern India in 2003 and partnered with the Emmanuel Rural Hospital in Assam in 2009. Life Matters provided an ultrasound machine for the hospital’s pregnancy care program.
“They actually have a wing of that hospital that reaches out to pregnant young women in distress,” shares Foust.
The focus of Foust’s visit was to build on the foundations mentioned above.
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