Peru (MNN) — Life is a beautiful thing. It is a precious gift, but, sadly, it’s often ended before it’s even begun.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 40-50 million abortions take place every year. That’s about 125,000 abortions each day. 125,000 lives that never saw the light of day.
Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) missionaries Dave and Evelyn Stone worked in Peru as church planters for two decades; now they have started the New Life Prenatal Center in Peru’s capitol, Lima. Life Matters Worldwide has been working with Dave and Evelyn for the past 16 years.
The Stones have found that many woman will choose to get an ultrasound, even if they plan to get an abortion. However, President of Life Matters Tom Lothamer says an ultrasound machine is “a window to the womb, and it allows the woman and even the father of the child to see, in real life, that baby moving and kicking.”
The prenatal center in Lima has two ultrasound machines. Unfortunately, however, one recently stopped working. Many people have pitched in for a new one, but the ministry is still $7,000 short. They need the money before April 1. Can you help? To donate toward a new ultrasound machine, just click here and write in the “Notes” section, “Lima ultrasound machine.”
This machine is a step to life and a door to sharing the gospel.
After seeing the life and movement of their baby on the ultrasound, many parents will choose not to abort. Many will even visit the center multiple times and create relationships with workers. “While they have the woman there, with graciousness and gentleness and compassion, they ask the woman, ‘Can I share more about the Lord?’ And many, many times, these women will say, ‘Sure,'” explains Lothamer. Several hundred people have come to Christ through their ministry.
Life Matters has partnered with Evelyn so she could share her message around the globe. Now, they are partnering with her to host a biennial conference in Peru, where other pro-life missionaries receive encouragement and additional training.
The growing center currently has 7 satellite facilities and has served thousands of women every year.
January 18 was Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Life Matters has materials like bulletin inserts, slideshow DVDs, and a pastor’s handbook, which uses Bible references to claim that all life is sacred. Everyone has been made in God’s image, and it’s incredibly important for people to understand and respect that. If you’d like to receive valuable resources to use throughout the year, click here.