Liberia (MNN) — After a 14-year civil war that ended in 2003, Liberians remain disheveled and distraught. Unemployment is high, and many are still far from being self-sufficient.
In recent weeks, Sammy Tippit Ministries sent a team to one Liberian community to change all that. "We're attempting to transform every aspect of the entire community: from education, to health, to economics, to spirituality," says ministry founder Sammy Tippit.
The ministry is working with several protestant churches in the lower Virginia area to help this community by sending teams and teaching locals to be self-sufficient. On the recent trip, teams not only repaired wells, but they also showed local Liberians how to repair them. Micro-financing was also introduced with trustworthy community members.
Plans for better education and better healthcare are also underway. Both are major issues in Liberia, and both will be manifested through local churches. This will allow for good and necessary programs in the secular world to flow from Christ-centered places.
"When we go over there in October, I will preach a large evangelistic meeting; so we'll raise the level of the spiritual emphasis," says Tippit. "We'll continue a pastor's conference; we'll also have a student discipleship conference. But by the same token, we're also training people in how to take care of themselves."
Essentially, taking the time and resources to provide this training is a manifestation of Christ's love in itself; but the Gospel message will be preached alongside it.
So far, people have already been very receptive to the Gospel in Liberia from past evangelical outreaches. Sammy Tippit Ministries will go back to Liberia in the fall to continue building the community up holistically, with the hope that this community will be transformed in every way and serve as an example for surrounding Liberian communities.
Currently, you can help this small community by sponsoring a child and their education for about $50 a month. Your prayers are also needed for the children, the community, and wisdom for the ministries involved.
To give to or to learn more about Sammy Tippit Ministries, click here.