International (MNN) — It’s always a good day when there’s time to get reacquainted with an old friend. And that’s exactly what Bibles For The World and Mission Network News are doing.
A Re-Partnership
In a re-partnership, Bibles For The World is sharing their stories about God’s movement through their ministry with MNN. However, though MNN and Bibles For The World are familiar with each other, others might not be.

Dr. Rochunga Pudaite, founder of Bibles For The World (Photo courtesy of Bibles For The World via Facebook)
Bibles For The World is a Colorado-based ministry striving to be a catalyst in both culture and individuals for transformation through God’s Word. According to Bibles For The World’s President John Pudaite, his father and the founder of Bibles for the World was a big part of the ministry’s heritage and vision.
“We’re building off of the legacy…. My father passed about a year ago. He was promoted to glory, and he left behind a tremendous legacy of ministry. This includes evangelism and church-planting the indigenous Church in India. It also includes Christian education, healthcare in the name of Jesus Christ, and relief and development — especially sustainable development — and, of course, Scripture distribution.”
Bibles For The World ministers to unreached people groups in developing nations, with an emphasis on India. The reasoning behind the ministry’s choice of audience is in their history.
A Unique History
The ministry had very humble and interesting beginnings. Pudaite’s father and grandfather belonged to the India’s Hmar tribe. The tribe, known as head-hunters, were labeled as the “worst head-hunters”. In 1871 alone, the brutal tribe killed at least 500 people. Then in 1910, the Gospel entered their midst through one man, a missionary from Wales.
During the missionary’s five-day stay, God’s Word impacted Pudaite’s grandfather. Fast forward to 1952 when Rochunga, Pudaite’s father, began attending the Christian school Wheaton College in the United States. By 1971, Rochunga had founded Bibles For The World and translated the Bible into the Hmar people’s language.
So, when Pudaite says his father left a tremendous legacy, he wasn’t exaggerating. The Pudaite family and the ministry have faced challenges over the years. But Pudaite says it was his parent’s faith in God and His sovereignty that helped get them through hard times.
It’s a truth Pudaite reminds himself of as the next generation continues ministry to unreached people groups, supported by the foundation of their Great Commission legacy.
Prayers for the Future
Please pray for wisdom in Bibles For The World’s ongoing ministry, in Pudaite’s leadership, and as Pudaite builds on his father’s foundation.

(Photo courtesy of Bibles For The World via Facebook)
Pray the ministry would also find new and interesting ways to spread the Gospel, be effective in ministry, and to continue in partnership with the Body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission.
“We really see our role as a catalyst, because we know we can’t do it by ourselves. We are nothing but servants of God, and it is He who is doing the work through us…. That’s the role we play. We are there to speed up the reaction, just like a catalyst,” Pudaite describes, echoing John 3:30 and Philippians 4:13.
His closing thoughts?
“I’d like [people] to know God has started writing His incredible story on our lives, starting with our tribe — which were head-hunters when the Gospel came. We were one of those unreached people groups. But within a generation, as the Gospel spread across our people, [it] captivated our people, and it continues to move out from tribe to tribe, people group to people group, and now across the world through this ministry.”