International (BPM/MNN) — A memorial service just
took place on Monday, February 20 for Dr. John A. Hash, founder of both Bible
Pathway Ministries and the International Bible Reading Association.
Hash and his late wife, Letha, started Bible
Pathway Ministries 38 years ago. It was his desire to see Bible Pathway Ministries continue
after his death. To him, there was
nothing more important than reading and understanding the Word of God from
Genesis to Revelation.
In the early 70's, Dr. Hash became
burdened with the fact that people were lacking in knowledge and understanding
of the Bible. He and Letha began a ministry to encourage others to
read the Bible in a systematic easy-to-understand manner, calling it Bible
Pathway Ministries.
Through his ministry, countless churches have been
established around the world, particularly in Africa and India. His devotional
commentaries, written over the past 37 years, are being used by churches in
most Bible-believing denominations across America and around the world.
also realized that the task of bringing about an awakening to the importance of
reading the Bible would require
the entire Body of Christ working together.
International Bible Reading Association
was established under the co-chair of Dr.
John A. Hash and the late Dr.
Bill Bright, and the presidency of Richard Dingman of the Free Congress Foundation — and a global
movement was under way.
response was overwhelming as world leaders began to network in an unprecedented
way. From that historic January day in 1990 until now, Bible Reading Marathons have been held in such far corners of the
world as Canada, England, France, Germany, India, Holland, Hungary, Mexico,
Nigeria, New Zealand, Peru, Sweden, and Russia.
vision Hash planted and the legacy he began continues. In lieu of flowers, Bible Pathway set up the Dr. John A. Hash Memorial Fund to send
Bibles and Bible Pathways. There will be a
memorial in the May edition of Bible
Hash went home to be with the Lord on Sunday, February 5, 2012 after months of
complications due to diabetes. He will be greatly missed by the staff and fellow employees at
Bible Pathway Ministries.
Thanks be to God for the gift of Dr. John Hash to the body of Christ.
I was gloriously saved in 1976 and for decades I read thru the Bible using Bible Pathway as my guide. For decades I read the Bible completely thru each year due to Dr. Hash’s work in the Spirit.
Thank God for Dr. Hash that He raised up to the glory of His Name. Much glory was brought to God, and is still being brought to God, by Dr. John Hash thru his holy life and perseverance.
To God be all Glory both now and forever. All things where created by Him and for Him to the praise of His glory.
Dear Pathway members and family,
So sorry to hear of John Hash passing away. He will be missed from all over the world. My husband died March 30,2012, and now in assistant Living place call Brookdale, and I have kind of lost contact of many, but—since then, I have kept John Hash book Biblical Fundamentals of Prayer, beside me everyday since.As I write, the bible on my right and His Prayer Book on my left.
I will miss him knowing he has gone, but to be with the Lord and a crown of gold on his head is wonderful too.
Bonnie Hodgin
I was blessed to be part of Bible Pathway Ministries and the International Bible Reading Association for many years. I know that Dr. John A Hash is looking down upon the many people and churches that became part of the world-wide outreach of Bible Pathway Ministries and the International Bible Reading Association.