Lebanon (MNN) — This week, Lebanon marked the 46th anniversary of its civil war. Even as the country struggles with environmental, financial, and political crises, the call is going out to ‘remember history’, so as not to repeat it. Lebanon’s first civil war raged from 1975-1990. Read more here.
Nuna of Triumphant Mercy Lebanon says some in the country have begun blaming the militant organization Hezbollah for Lebanon’s troubles. “That’s why the tension is really rising. And it’s dividing the country between the pro-Hezbollah and those against Hezbollah. Those against are the majority. However, the weapons are in the hands of Hezbollah. So there’s a struggle of power [between] weapons and numbers.”
Triumphant Mercy’s service
Triumphant Mercy continues serving people during the financial crisis. Nuna says they have given aid to many people who formerly occupied Lebanon’s middle class. “They just say ‘Please, please just register me. Please register me. I need to come. What time do you open tomorrow?’ They come at seven in the morning, just to wait before our center. So with this level of desperation, I think will lead to a crack. There will be more people who say, ‘I prefer to die trying to feed my children than to just sit there and wait.’”
Ask God to provide a solution for this crisis in Lebanon. Nuna says, “We want God to just manifest Himself. He has a solution. And He is the one who’s coming back to this area of the world. And He’s the one who’s going to come for His pure bride.”
The header photo shows a Lebanese stadium hit by an airstrike during the Lebanese Civil War. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain)