Russia (MNN) – Language teachers have the opportunity to change lives in Russia—but not just because they widen career opportunities. They also have the potential to demonstrate and share the love of Jesus.
For the third year in a row, SOAR International is partnering with a church in Russia to run an English language camp for children in the local community. The church runs English clubs throughout the year, but the summer camp offers a culmination of everything they’ve been learning.

Photo courtesy of SOAR International via Facebook.
Greg Mangione of SOAR says, “In Russia, most people are trying to learn multiple languages. English is one of the top ones on the list for a second language to learn. They’re always looking for an opportunity to learn English, brush up on their language skills.”
By answering this popular request, Christians around the world have been able to reach out to communities that might otherwise have nothing to do with the Church. It’s the same for SOAR and the church they’re partnering with.
Mangione says, “It’s a way for the church to reach out to the community, to impact their neighborhood and then build disciples from that.”
Some of the students learning English are Christians, while others are not. What brings them together is the hope to learn a language that will give them an advantage later on.
SOAR hopes for something even greater.
“We go to help with English, we want to teach a good quality English program, but the main goal is to touch hearts,” Mangione says.
Through the language learning camps, families will bump up against Christians and perhaps reconsider some of their preconceptions about them so that they can hear the Gospel.
The camp takes place from the end of July to the beginning of August. This year, the church has requested ESL teachers.

Photo, courtesy of SOAR via Facebook.
If you are interested in this teaching opportunity, check it out by clicking here. Mangione shares another way you can be involved: “Our goal is to come alongside the Church in Russia as brothers and sisters in Christ to help enable and equip and encourage them in the ministry they’re doing.
“Be praying for the churches that have these outreaches that we’re coming alongside and partnering with them on.”