UnitedStates (MNN) — "They are after-school programs that kind of are on steroids," said Jodie Nelson of Operation Blessing . Their new initiative called, 'All That for Kids," is a learning center program for inner-city children.
After a long day at school kids are tired of lectures. The program assesses each students reading, mathematical, writing and social skills. Instructors are then able to step in with personalized help usually in the form of enrichment programs that keep students interested.
They have adapted Harvard's model of 21st Century Learning Center program for a Christian setting that is offered free of charge. The program more accurately teaches what students should be learning in order to keep up with the continually increasing demands of colleges and the workforce.
There are currently five All That for Kids centers open, or soon to open, around the country, and several more cities considering opening one. The need is great. "The communities that we have gone into have just embraced us with open arms," Nelson said. "In fact, in New Orleans and in New York both we have found people who have a heart for the kids who have been praying for someone to come alongside and proved something for the kids."
The centers have filled very quickly. Parents are very willing to get their children the help they cannot offer. "The first time the kids got their second report card some of the kids' grades had risen two or three grade levels," said Nelson. Parents are slowly opening up as they realize the love All That for Kids offers.
Spiritual warfare is great because they are helping these children find hope. "Satan really has in effect stolen the future and hope of hundreds of thousands of children and
young people in our country; especially those in the inner-city areas, and we're saying enough is enough," Nelson said.
All That for Kids wants to restore their hope. "We're going in and we're saying you do have a future and there is hope for your life and you can be more. You can get out of the devastating situation that you're in," said Nelson.
"We need funding and we need prayer," Nelson said. You can visit their Web site to help financially and learn more about this program. "The kids in our country need prayer, and they need support," she said.