International (MNN) — Today marks Day Four of the month-long Muslim observation of Ramadan. Sadly, out of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, 86% do not even know a Christian who could share the Gospel with them.
Essentially, Muslims constitute the largest unreached religious group in the world.
Especially during Ramadan, when many Muslims–even those who are merely nominal in their faith–are truly trying to seek God, it's vital that believers reach out to them with the Truth.
But for many Christians, reaching out to Muslims can be difficult, especially if they lack understanding of Islam and Islamic culture. A resources of Pioneers USA, "Encountering the World of Islam (EWI)," is changing that.
EWI equips Christian leaders and churches to understand Muslims, communicate the Gospel effectively, disciple new believers, and establish churches in unreached Muslim communities.
The program has classes in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., but it also has Web-based distance learning courses to learn from afar. Courses have been translated into Korean, Chinese, Indonesian, and Russian.
Once trained, course coordinators and instructors can reproduce their own EWI courses. Currently, new courses are planned for Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine.
You can be a part of this program, or even partner with it. Partnerships are especially crucial as the ministry expands.
Pray that many believers would seek to understand Islam and would thus have effective ministry to the Muslims around them throughout the month of Ramadan. Learn more about participating in these courses here. To partner in funding the project, click here.