Central Asia (MNN)–There is an urgent need for teachers in a growing Christian school located in a Central Asian city, according to an Interserve worker living in the area.
She says if the need isn’t met, it could have direct impact on their other ministries.
Due to security issues in the region, we’ll call our source ‘Susan.’ “The education of our children is an important need. People aren’t going to want to commit to living somewhere long-term if their kids’ education is going to suffer.”
Many families begin the elementary education, utilizing homeschool materials or the private schools. The problems develop as the children’s needs change.
Susan says if the teachers aren’t there, the parents eventually have go home. “As kids get older, they start getting to the middle school years and the high school years, then, the options are less. You need some real quality teachers. It’s a real gift when you get someone with skills in those teaching areas to come.”
Those especially needed are an assistant principal, a financial manager, and social studies, Bible, math, and computer teachers. Susan says, “There is a great need for good quality schools, and teachers willing to come and to teach the children of the expatriates.”
Christian teachers can prevent long delays on the projects that share the hope of Christ. Many times, the schools themselves become a source of ministry in the community.