Kids in Read-A-Thon can support children in India!

By September 17, 2020

USA (MNN) — Here’s a chance to get your kids reading with Great Commission impact! Sonlight Christian Homeschool Curriculum is hosting a Read-A-Thon so children and teens can raise funds for ministries like Mission India.

When kids sign up to support Mission India through the Sonlight Read-A-Thon, every dollar fundraised will be matched by Sonlight Curriculum and goes towards Mission India’s Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs.

(Photo courtesy of Johnny McClung via Unsplash)

Bartholomew* with Mission India says, “Every dollar will be matched up to $100,000 for us, so that’s great! For every $24 given, a child in India gets to go to a Year-Long Bible Club. So for an entire year, they’re mentored by a Bible Club leader to help improve their education, to form relationships,…but ultimately they get to hear about the love of Jesus.”

Read-A-Thon participants can commit to reading a certain number of books, pages, or hours. For non-readers, they can listen to audiobooks, watch videos, or have an adult or sibling read to them!

Then get family and friends in on the fun and sponsor your kids as they read! In the process, they’ll be raising funds for Indian kids like them to know Jesus.

“We’re just in the starting phases of the Read-A-Thon and it’s been a blast so far to see people respond and be excited about raising money for kids in India.”

(Photo courtesy of Mission India)

So what kinds of books can kids dive into for the Read-A-Thon? “It can be really any book!” Bartholomew says. “But the idea is reading books that are more about missions, missionaries, Christian spiritual growth, [and] things of that nature. Sonlight has a bunch of books. If your listeners want to go to they can go look at that and also sign up to be hopefully a fundraiser for Mission India.”

If you need some ideas, click here for a list of Gospel-oriented and missional books geared towards various ages.

And, of course, the Read-A-Thon is open to anyone! Whether or not you’re engaged in Sonlight Curriculum, they encourage all kids and their families to start reading and learning about God’s heart for the world as they fundraise.

Finally, you and your kids can pray for the children of India as you read and raise support.

Bartholomew says, “There’s so much going on in India between flooding, COVID-19, and then also persecution — there’s been a tremendous amount of that rising. With the floods, some families now are being displaced. And with COVID-19, India just surpassed 90,000 new cases a day earlier this month. So there’s just a lot of harsh things going on in India and so to be able to hopefully enable a kid to go to a Bible Club, that’s our goal. But we just want to pray also for protection for those kids and those families as they go through a really trying time in India.”

(Photo courtesy of Mission India)

The Read-A-Thon runs until October 16, so it’s not too late. Click here to sign-up for the Sonlight Read-A-Thon and support Mission India!

To learn more about Mission India’s ministry, visit their website here!



Header image courtesy of Mission India.


*Names changed for security purposes.

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