Kids in France benefit this week from short-term missions

By July 10, 2008

France (MNN) — Reach Global urges
prayer for the children's ministry taking place in France this week. 

There are almost 40 children
attending a bilingual Vacation Bible School in Lyon (lee-yohn).

Christ the King EFC from New
Jersey along with four other ministry teams from the United States are
supporting Reach Global church planters in this project that's slated to wrap
up tomorrow.  

They're helping Mike and Caryn
DiGena, along with their children, who serve as full-time missionaries in Lyon,

After an
internship in Lyon, the DiGenas started their work in Montpellier under a
French pastor. In 2005, they returned to Lyon where they are committed to
seeing multiple churches planted around the city. Their work in Lyon now involves
teaching and relationship-building as they spread the Gospel from the

Pray for opportunities for the
team to get to know the children and their families so relationships can be
established for further sharing of the Gospel.

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