International (MNN) — What better way is there for kids to be a part of ministry than to help other kids?

(Photo courtesy World Mission Press via Facebook)
At World Missionary Press, people are helping kids connect to the global church through coloring books, booklets, and more.
Here’s how it’s set up:
Kids save their own money to purchase and ship booklets or coloring books designed to share the Gospel.
“We believe introducing children to sharing the Word with others and reaching children around the world is a great way to get them interested for the long term. And [it’s] showing them what they can do, and that children can be involved as well,” says Helen Williams with World Missionary Press.
WMP has a variety of options for kids. One way to help encourage kids to save money is by giving them a WMP “Fill a Bank.” The exterior of this little bank is designed to encourage and remind kids why they’re saving: so somebody else can learn about Christ. And, it’s had a lot of success.
“We had one little boy [who] filled his bank, brought it in, and then he wanted to know if he could take it back and fill his bank [again]. We have so many children that do [that]. They give, not because their parents say you have to, but they [want to] give. And these banks really, really work,” said Williams.
One Child’s Story
But what about the impacts after kids give? Here’s one story about how kids have impacted each other across the globe.
“Many years ago, we used our Salvation Coloring Book to reach Romanian children in orphanages. Many of them [were] abandoned after violence and tragedy in Romania. And a little boy [who] had nothing: somebody gave him a coloring book, and he clung to it as his only treasure. When they moved him to another facility, it was the only thing he had to take. Someone gave him something that was his. And we see this in places like Haiti, where there is such a shortage of things they can have and call their own,” explains Williams.

(Photo courtesy World Missionary Press via Facebook)
However, the ministry doesn’t always stop with the children.
Not only are these children reaching other kids worldwide, they’re also reaching the parents.
“We have found that reaching children overseas, or on the mission field, often affects the family. Parents respond to people who notice and care for their children. And in many countries, there’s very little literature or material for children,” laments Williams.
So get your kids involved in the ministry by helping kids just like them. For those planning their Sunday school curricula or figuring out this summer’s church activities, now is a great time to invest in WMP’s free materials. WMP offers maps, charts, pictures, and other materials to help children visualize the impact they’re making.
“When you link children to children, there’s a sense that they’re a part of the big picture. They’re a part of doing just what their parents are doing. They’re reaching children,” said Williams.
For a free brochure of MWP’s Missions Ideas for Children child, just call 574-831-2111.
Or to learn more, click here!
How would we ask for the coloring books and children’s banks in English and Spanish. What is the cost for 200 of each?