International (MNN) — You may have noticed Christmas decorations and ads going up in stores since the end of summer. For many, Christmas is a time to make or spend money.
But Greg Yoder says Keys for Kids Ministries wants to point kids and teens back to Jesus. “Keys for Kids and Unlocked (our teen devotional) have brand new Christmas devotionals. They’re not very big. They only have about 13 or 14 stories inside. There are also some activities inside that go along with Christmas. We wanted to provide these for kids who may not necessarily go to church every week, or who may not go to church at all.”
Ways to use the booklets
Yoder says churches or even schools can hand these booklets out after Winter or Christmas programs. “There are so many churches that have programs but don’t have the follow-up to go with it. We want to provide a resource to churches, and even Christian schools, for people who have come to Christ, or maybe are just visiting.”
Yoder also believes the booklets will also introduce kids and teens to the regular devotional books. Keys for Kids and Unlocked engage with the story of Jesus in new and creative ways every day of the year. “What I hope grows out of this is an Advent type of study. In fact, we’ve been talking about creating a 30 Days of Christmas book for probably four or five years. So potentially this is the beginning of something like that.”
Learn more about the Keys for Kids and Unlocked devotionals.
Want your own copy of the Christmas booklets? You can find them here. Yoder says, “There are discounts if you want to get hundreds of them for churches and things like that.”
Header photo courtesy of ELG21 on Pixabay.