Central Asia (MNN) — New collaborative efforts will bring Jesus to Central Asia in 2022.
Greg Yoder of Keys for Kids Ministries explains, “We just finalized an agreement with FMI. We’ll be reaching families within Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran.”
Rich in kid-centered resources, Keys for Kids will provide tools for indigenous church planters and pastors trained by FMI. The combination is invaluable in a region where the Church is flourishing, but there’s not enough discipleship material to go around.
“Iran and Afghanistan, per capita, is probably the largest growth in Christianity in the world [but] they don’t have any resources to help moms and dads disciple their kids,” Yoder says.
“If we had everything done right now, we could place 5,000 Storytellers in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. The real need is about 10,000.”
Pray for wisdom as believers translate Keys for Kids and Unlocked devotionals from English into Pashtu, Urdu, and Farsi.
“We do have to contextualize everything; they’re not being translated word-for-word,” Yoder says.
For example, “In Nepal, we had somebody call and asked, ‘Why do you call your children pumpkins? Are they orange?’ We said, ‘No, of course not. It’s just a term of endearment.’”
Consider a gift to Keys for Kids for this massive endeavor. “It’s a huge need, and it’s not something that’s coming cheap. They’re fairly expensive to produce because it takes a lot of memory to put a whole Bible on the Storytellers, and the Keys for Kids or Unlocked stories,” Yoder says.
“We’ve committed to providing $110,000 for this project, so we’re going to need support, we’re going to need help.”
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