Kenya (MNN)–World Vision teams are working to address a raging food shortage in Kenya, where over two and a half million people face starvation.
Teams are already working in five of the hardest hit areas with food distribution as well as recovery projects. The worst are Kajiado, Kilifi, Mandera, Marsabit, Wajir, Moyale, Garissa and Isiolo.
The Kenyan President, Mwai Kibaki has officially declared the region a ‘national disaster.’ The ongoing drought is likely to prompt a serious food security crisis over the first half of 2006.
Government estimates show the region has already experienced a crop failure of roughly 60 percent, and with reserves already low, the toll of a current crisis would be staggering.
WVI teams, having seen the potential of the current crisis, are now in the third of a six-month Emergency Operation phase, which started last September.
Kenyan believers and churches are partnering with World Vision to meet both physical and spiritual needs in this time. By their demonstration of God’s love through the team’s work, they hope that people will experience life in all its fullness.