(MNN) — The people of the rural area around Kaffrine, Senegal
will receive two food distributions from SIM International.
Each family will receive 100 kilograms of millet, seed for
about one hectare of millet, and seed
for half a hectare of beans. Rice is
currently expensive and nearly impossible to find in Senegal, so SIM is distributing
millet instead.
The project has been fully funded, despite rising grain
prices and an unfavorable exchange rate.
A bad rainy season destroyed area crops, causing a food
shortage that will last until the next crops are harvested in September. SIM is partnering with World Vision to
provide food for the area. Every village
receiving food has hosted one of SIM's chronological Bible storying
The food distributions are strengthening the local church,
said missionary Corey Garret.
"The believers have been involved in the distributions,
helping and working in selfless ways," he said. "They have reported that they have started
sensing greater respect and acceptance."
A church member from a village being served by World Vision
helped SIM with the food distribution. His wife follows the majority religion, but she is now attending worship
services with him.
A community religious leader approached another believer,
asking to know more about Jesus. Others
have also become interested in studying what the Q'uran says about Jesus.
The Wolof people in this area follow the religion of
Islam. 85 percent belong to brotherhoods
sworn to follow leaders called marabouts, who are believed to have supernatural
powers. Nevertheless, the people are
often very open to discussing Christianity.