International (MNN) — According to UNICEF, "Over one billion children–more than half the children in developing countries–suffer from at least one form of severe deprivation." Deprivation could mean a lack of access to any one of the following: food, safe drinking water, decent sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information.
Millions of those children suffer from illnesses. 400 million across the globe are currently burdened with one preventable and treatable sickness in particular: intestinal worms.
Intestinal worms are parasites that crawl into children in a number of ways. Sometimes they enter the body through the mouth, other times through the soles of the feet of children who have little access to footwear. These worms take over the bodies of children, devouring the few nutrients the kids are able to get.
The results of intestinal worms can vary from uncomfortable to fatal. Children are often plagued by diarrhea, malnutrition, nausea and fatigue; but if the sickness goes untreated, they can end up physically and mentally disabled.
Unsettling as this truth is, intestinal worms can be and are being treated. In fact, treatment is incredibly low-cost. Just 50 cents is enough to cure one child of worms.
Global Aid Network (GAiN) is involved in this healing process. Just $35 can treat 70 children, $70 to treat 140, and so on. As GAiN deworms children across the globe, they share the Gospel with them. The Great Physician is made real to many children as they are physically healed of their debilitating illness.
To heal a child for just 50 cents, click here and help GAiN today.