International (MNN) — A film about the life of Christ continues to increase the number of translations available to the world. The JESUS Film Project distributes the film JESUS, a two hour docu-drama about the life of Christ based on the Gospel of Luke. The goal is to reach every nation, tribe, people and tongue with the Gospel in a language they can understand.
They’re making fine progress. Since 1979 the story has been translated into film and audio in 887 different languages. The JESUS Film has been shown in every country of the world and more than 5.9 billion people have seen the film. What’s even more exciting is that 197-million people have indicated decisions for Christ as a result of seeing the film or hearing the message.
Pray for the 2,122 JESUS Film Project teams that are showing the story of Christ around the world. Pray also for the 1,539 denominations and mission agencies using the film to communicate the Gospel.
Right now there are 237 languages with JESUS Film translations in process. The film is also available on-line. 213,954 people have watched the JESUS Film on-line in their own language. You can see it at http://www.JesusFilm.org.