USA (MNN) — The JESUS Film Project is about to add something significant to its already impressive list of evangelism tools. The film has been seen by billions. The audio version has been heard by a half a billion. But, the JESUS Film isn’t stopping there. Immerging technology is allowing them to do even more.
The JESUS Film’s Chief of Staff Greg Gregiore says, “A number of different things that we’re doing have to do with innovation, or with taking the assets of the JESUS Film that we have and repurposing those assets.”
The JESUS Film was great when is was first developed, but Gregiore says, “We’re looking at a product now that’s 26 years old and in some media sophisticated parts of the world, that docudrama doesn’t compete in the marketplace.”
That’s led the JESUS Film to try something new. “We’re taking the audio tracks that we have translated and re-recorded over these past 26 years and putting new visuals to that. And, we’re working on right now an Anime version of the JESUS Film.”
It’ll be a bit different than the current film, says Gregiore. “We will reorder the events and make more of a story and a dramatic film out of it. But, we’re still using God’s word as recorded in the book of Luke, we’re using the same dialogue loops that were used in the original JESUS Film.”
The new JESUS Film is expected to re-open evangelistic doors in the U-S, Europe and other major cities throughout the world.
While the completion of the project is more than two years away, Gregoire says, “That visual with a new musical score, new sound effects and use of the same dialogue, so in effect when we complete the film we will be able to simultaneously release it in over 900 languages.” Because it’s already translated.
Two short segments are going to be field tested soon. Pray that God will allow the new project to be completed quickly and on budget.