Lebanon (MNN)–Israel’s border assault into Lebanon steps up the aggression between the two countries.
The fighting complicates ministry efforts. Because their staff is dedicated to serving the Middle East with the hope and peace of Christ, they don’t plan on leaving the area.
That’s both good and bad. SAT-7’s Debbie Brink says the good part is their decision shows dedication to their mission.
The bad part is figuring out how to get their programs from Beirut to Cyprus. Because roads are dangerous, the airport has been destroyed and other courier means have been shut down, delivery of their programs is now the major concern.
With traditional delivery now a non-factor, they’re circumventing ground transport via technology. Brink says they’re going to satellite distribution. “We have some contacts with Mission Aviation Fellowship to help us locate the equipment and install it for us.”
This was a move that had been in the planning stages–but necessity spurred by the war has moved the project up on the timeline by lightyears. That also presents its own problems, Brink adds. “the finances–we were not prepared to do that right now. [But], our programs have become a very important part of people’s lives all across the region. The children’s program, in particular, children have grown very accustomed to watching every single day.”
Brink says they are broadcasting Christ’s hope during a time of crisis, but they also need support. “Definitely pray for safety, and for the morale of our staff. Please pray for the equipment that we need and the finances that we need to get it up and running and that there’d be ability to even find equipment and get it into Lebanon right now.”