Pakistan (MNN) — While it may be propaganda, it’s still a real desire. The Islamic State released their newest ambition, and it’s something that creates fear in just about everyone who hears it.
Bruce Allen of Forgotten Missionaries International has been talking about this possibility for months. What is it? Allen says it comes from an ISIS propaganda magazine called Debiq. “This article is suggesting that they are expanding so rapidly that they will buy their first nuclear weapon within a year, and it will come from Pakistan.”
In previous interviews with Mission Network News, Allen has outlined the IS/Pakistan connection and what that could mean for the future of the terrorist organization. Why should we believe this latest propaganda? “Islamic State has been very clear about its objectives; it carries through on the threats and then documents it for the world to see.”
IS even talks about its intended objective, says Allen. “They specify it’s going to go from Pakistan, to Libya, to Nigeria, Central America, to Mexico. And they say, ‘Presto! From Mexico we’re mingling with another 12 million illegal aliens in America with a nuclear bomb in our trunk.'”
This is a scary scenario for everyone. But Allen says, “This is something that we need to be aware of and to be acting on–at least everyone praying about this situation because we are given a heads up, an alert, so to speak.”
(Listen to the full interview while you read)
The only way to defeat this evil is through spiritual Truth, says Allen. In Pakistan, Forgotten Missionaries International is recruiting national Christians to take the Truth of the Gospel to their people. “We’re trying to counteract the forces of evil there by sharing Truth, by sharing hope, by acts of compassion, guiding people who are seeking Truth and how to find that Truth.”
Allen says they have five new national workers ready to do the work. According to Allen, these believers are pre-qualified. They “already speak the language, they’re Pakistani. They eat the food. They understand the culture and have significant relationships in their neighborhoods.”
While these recruits are ready, they need people like you to help support them each month. You can sponsor or partially sponsor a pastor by clicking here.
Allen says Pakistanis reaching Pakistanis can create Saul-to-Paul experiences. “God took Saul of Tarsus, the terrorist of his day, and turned him to Paul the Apostle. That story can get replayed again and again in places like Pakistan.”