A photo posted on internet on April 7, 2015 shows ISIS or Daesh (Daech) or “Islamic State” group militants posing in Yarmouk (Yarmuk) Palestinian camp, located in a suburb of Damascus, Syria, that is partially now under their control.
(Photo by Balkis Press/Sipa USA, obtained via PrayForISIS.com)
Middle East (MNN) — The world is looking for an ISIS solution.
The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) declared its caliphate — along with its intent to take over the world — last summer, introducing the world to a new age of brutality and terror.
Despite months of U.S.-led airstrikes and coalition fighting, the Islamic State continues to grow.
On Monday, the Pentagon announced it would begin training and paying Syrian volunteers to fight ISIS.
“I think we need a more radical solution to our problem,” says Bob Blincoe, president of Frontiers.
How to stop ISIS
Along with taking more territory, ISIS is securing its future in the Middle East through indoctrination, strategic alliances, and continuous global recruitment.
Opposition fighters have scored a few victories along the way, like the Kurdish capture of a Syrian military base once held by radicals yesterday. However, a permanent ISIS solution has yet to be found.
“We have to start with the Scriptures and with Christ,” says Blincoe.
“If we start with Islam, we will all be afraid and we will look for solutions that are worldly.”
Jesus offers a pretty radical solution in the Gospel, Blincoe observes, when He asks His followers to forgive their enemies and pray for their persecutors.
“The way out of these problems is love and respect for all people, and to take the way of Jesus Christ to the peoples of the world.”
Why prayer works
Can the best ISIS solution really be something as simple as prayer? Jesus said it was.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven,” Christ said in His Sermon on the Mount.
Frontiers’ new website — PrayForISIS.com — echoes Christ’s command in Matthew 5.
“It follows the person of Saul, who became Paul,” explains Blincoe. “The verses from Acts 9 really do help a Christian identify with ISIS today.”
PrayforISIS.com is a 30-day Frontiers campaign designed to “corporately embrace God’s heart for the Muslim world, asking Him to bring members of ISIS into the knowledge of His love and grace.”
It purposefully premiers right in the midst of Ramadan, Islam’s holiest month.
“Ramadan is a special month for Muslims — a special month of fasting and praying — and we want to be especially praying as well…to the Lord God Jesus Christ on behalf of Muslims,” Blincoe says.
“Jesus said, ‘I have other sheep that are not of this fold. They too must hear My voice and be gathered in.’ So we [believe] in the promises of God, and we have some early victories.”
Frontiers USA focuses on reaching Muslims for Christ. Around the world, they’re sharing the Gospel with followers of Islam and helping Muslim-background believers plant churches.
Learn more about their work here.
“At FrontiersUSA[dot-org], our listeners can get involved with Frontiers [and] take a step in the right direction toward bringing about God’s love and hope to Muslim peoples everywhere,” Blincoe says.
I agree that to obey God is the most powerful thing we can do. I pray against their work daily-I will add prayer for their hearts to that.
I have been praying for many months that the God of Saul – Paul would meet these ISIS people and transform them – just as He did with Paul on his Damascus Road.
I have been praying continually for God’s intervention concerning all the trouble spots all over the world for many years now. May the Lord touch the hearts of ISIS Leaders and their followers to lay down their weapons, embrace peace and accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, Amen….
beloved in Christ
Indeed every ISIS member is beloved in our Lords heart. They are, as Saul was, totally commited to their cause. God has already touched some ISIS members. Without a shadow of doubt He calls us to fervently intervene for the souls of ISIS members.