Frontiers is supporting a 30-day prayer effort to see 1,000 ISIS members come to Christ.
USA (MNN) — ISIS continues taking territory in Syria and Iraq. Islamic State’s terror path is getting wider, too. Beheadings, torture, kidnapping, rape, and human trafficking are the byproducts of this ideology. It’s utter terrorism. It can’t help but instill fear in everyone. That’s the goal, right?
One ministry says we can’t let that fear prevent us from sharing the Gospel to a group of people who need it.
Perry LaHaie with Frontiers says, “Our mission statement is, ‘With love and respect, inviting all Muslim peoples to follow Jesus.’ We are a mission organization that’s focused exclusively on the Muslim world.” That’s why Frontiers recruits, trains, and sends people to the Muslim world.
(Listen to the entire interview here)
According to LaHaie, “We have workers in over 50 Muslims majority countries. So, we’re not just an American organization. We have 30 sending bases all over the world, and from each one of those sending bases, we are sending people from those countries into the Muslim world to share the Gospel.”
LaHaie says hundreds of churches have been planted in those areas.

Millions of people have fled the clutches of ISIS, including these Syrian boys.
Has the increasing violence discouraged Christians from reaching out to Muslims? LaHaie says, “In the last decade, we’ve seen record numbers of people say, ‘Because we’re seeing all this turmoil in the Muslim world, I want to go because I know the Gospel is the answer to this.'”
Do these radical Muslims deserve it? LaHaie says, “If Jesus can change my life, if He can forgive me, He can forgive anybody. And I just believe, except for the grace of God, you know what? I could be an ISIS member. Jesus commands me to pray for my enemies. There are already stories of ISIS members coming to know Jesus.”
LaHaie says we need to pray that God intervenes. Prayer is vital to that. That’s why they’re providing a resource to help you pray specifically for members of ISIS. “It’s called JESUS LOVES ISIS MEMBERS. It’s a 30-day prayer guide to pray for ISIS. The focus is that God would save at least 1,000 ISIS members: turn 1,000 Sauls into Pauls.”
While prayer is important, Frontiers needs something else: people. LaHaie tells us why. “There are 1,108 Muslim people groups without their first Christian worker. And at Frontiers, we’re in pursuit of zero. We are believing God that by the year 2025 we will have church-planting teams among all of those groups.”
Are you being called to join their work? “What we’re looking for are people who have certain gifts, vocations, and skills because you can’t go into these countries with a missionary visa. You’ve got to have a reason to be there.”
If you’d like to get additional information about joining Frontiers, click here.