USA (MNN) — You may be familiar with “local church” and “parachurch” concepts, or maybe your denomination is divided into local, regional, and national divisions.
Either way, Georges Houssney of Horizons International says it’s every Christian’s mandate to fulfill the Great Commission.
“Every church is ‘glocal’ – global and local at the same time. Every church has to have the Great Commission on their shoulders and not only send some money to missions but be involved,” Houssney says.
Christ’s final instructions, as recorded in Matthew 28, are not optional. Additionally, the call is not limited to a people group or location God has placed on your heart.
“[The] Great Commission is about calling the world into the sheep pen. It used to be just Jews, then it spread over to the Greeks and then all over the world,” Houssney says.
“He says, ‘I have other sheep. You go and get them because they must come and join the Church.’”
So, what can YOU do today? “In one city in the US, you’ll find people from every nation, tribe, and language,” Houssney says.
“We should not just pray for them. We should reach out to them.”
Learn how to share the Gospel with Muslim neighbors or coworkers here.
Ask the Lord to help you move outside your comfort zone and to view the people around you with eternity in mind.
“Why don’t we look across the street and see the Asians, Africans, Arabs, and Middle Easterners not as an invasion of our country but as God’s strategy to bring the Gospel to those people?” Houssney suggests.
“Every individual is a missionary. It’s not about going overseas a million miles or a thousand miles away. It starts where you are, but God may also graduate you into the world.”
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