Jordan (MNN) — In 2017, Islamic State violence in Iraq forced a woman we’ll call “Susie” to run for her life. Today, Susie is learning how she can empower other Arabic-speaking women – wherever the Lord may lead her.
Five years ago, Susie fled from Iraq to Jordan, where her husband later joined her. “I lived near a Free Evangelical Church in Jordan [so] I attended the church,” Susie says, speaking through an interpreter.
“After I [fled] from the persecution of ISIS, I felt I needed the Word of God.”
Susie and her husband came to know Christ through the church. During a discipleship course, they learned about serving God. Then, Susie discovered PTEE, or the Program for Theological Education by Extension.
“I got to know about PTEE and was encouraged by the pastor to study with PTEE. They offer us different ways to help me continue studying,” Susie says.
Susie’s story
PTEE courses teach Susie how to lead, whether it’s a small group or a ministry. She tells PTEE leaders that she wants other women to learn what she’s discovered. Susie plans to lead PTEE courses once she’s completed her training.
Sometimes, home is the best place to apply what you’ve learned.
“I studied more than five [PTEE] courses, but the [course that] affected my life is the stewardship course. Before, I [thought] that they have to obey me and to obey my teaching, but when I started this course, [I learned] they have to obey the Word of God,” Susie says.
“I [began] to look to my daughters as belonging to the Lord, and I began to pray for my daughters.”
Help empower Arab-speaking Christian leaders through PTEE.
Ask the Lord to give Susie and her husband discernment. They must decide whether they will stay in Jordan or find another country to call home. “We are struggling in different ways” as non-citizens, Susie says. Refugees cannot work in Jordan.
“We need God to help us get visas and emigrate to another country.”
Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Yazan obeidat/Unsplash.