USA (MNN) — While President George W. Bush's decision to
send more troops to Iraq is being met with opposition from Americans, it's
being hailed by Iraqi Christians.
That's the message from Middle Eastern Christians who were
meeting with E3 Partners . E3 Partners' Tom Doyle says, "These guys are on
the ground floor seeing what's going on — new schools, new hospitals. Our
leaders from the Middle East were kind of shocked at how it was being portrayed
on the news. They said it looks like the media is trying to portray that you're
Many Iraqi and Middle Eastern Christians support the war for
very good reasons. "If this had not happened, the war, they would not have
35 new churches in Baghdad, that they know of.
There could be many more. That's just what they can get their hands on
and what they're working with. (There are) tremendous things (happening) in the
Kurdish area. They're calling it a revival."
Doyle says these church leaders indicate that many Iraqis
few American soldiers as heroes. "In most places the American soldiers are
perceived as their only protection and they're honored in many ways. I think
our media just focuses on that triangle that has always been bad. It was bad
during Saddam's days."
In months past Mission Network News has reported that many
Christians have left Iraq for safety reasons. Doyle says, "There are a lot
of Christians leaving, but nominal Christians never stand up to persecution
from Muslims, they just flee, but real believers many times stick around."
Many Iraqis as a whole have fled Iraq. Doyle says that's opened
doors for evangelism in places like Jordan. "The believers in Jordan, as
they have seen many of these Iraqis open to the Gospel, have encouraged them to
go back. They have used that as a platform to train them and send them with the
Gospel, discipleship and church planting."
Funding for these new believers is important. Doyle says you can sponsor them, "For
just $30 a month. And, the amazing thing is they will train at least 50 people
and start a new church."
Funding is also needed for Bibles, other Christian
literature and EvangeCubes. Click here if you'd like to help.