Iran (MNN) — Iranian Christian Neshan Saeedi has still not been seen since his July 24 arrest.
Voice of the Martyrs says Saeedi was arrested on July 24 when plainclothes security officers stormed his house. The officials ransacked the house, confiscating personal items such as the family's computer and photo albums, but also Christian literature and listening materials. They then arrested Saeedi, his wife, and his young daughter under the accusation that all three of them were a threat to Iran's national security.
The family was taken to a the Chaharshir detention center in Ahaz and interrogated. During the interrogation, they told Saeedi's wife that if the family continued their Christian activities, officials may take her daughter away. The family was accused of being spies and of leading people to pro-Israel ideology before Saeedi's wife and daughter were finally released.
Since then, the house church the Saeedi family attended has stopped activity for fear of their lives. The Iranian government is actively seeking the arrests of two of the house church leaders.
Saeedi has not been seen since this July arrest. Pray for his safety and for the comfort of his family. Pray that his wife and daughter would be kept safe, as well. Pray that the house church would be able to resume worship again so they can continue to live out the Gospel.