Iran and Israel exchange threats after Tuesday missile attacks and interceptions

By October 3, 2024
MENA, Middle East, stock photo, Pexels, Iran, Israel, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan

Israel (MNN) — On Tuesday, Israel faced a barrage of at least 180 missiles from Iran. Israel says it intercepted most of them, with only one casualty reported.

Iran stated the attack was in response to the killings of two leaders of the terrorist groups Hezbollah and Hamas in recent months. Israel has promised it will retaliate, and Iran has responded with threats as well.

On Tuesday night, Zev Sigulim with MegaVoice watched with his family near the Sea of Galilee as rockets flew toward the center of Israel. 

“My kids, we were in the bomb shelter just now. I feel kind of speechless, having just had a bunch of rockets fly over my house,” Sigulim said not long after those moments.

Israel, missile, MegaVoice, Zev Sigulim

Iranian missiles flying over an Israeli city near the Sea of Galilee, October 1, 2024 (Video screenshot courtesy of Zev Sigulim)

“I was on the phone with some of our staff [discussing] ‘Do we come into work tomorrow? Do we not come into work tomorrow?’ So there’s that side of things. There hasn’t been school [for the children] for a few weeks.”

Sigulim describes daily life and work punctuated by sirens and sprints to the bomb shelter. 

“Every family in Israel is affected, whether you’re talking about families who have young children or young men in the army or fathers in the reserves, or uncles or sons or daughters,” he says.  

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for children, soldiers, and families dealing with trauma. 

“In the spirit of unity, pray for also Christians on the other side of this conflict. That’s something that that we don’t want to lose sight of. We know that this war is not with flesh and blood, but with the evil powers [in the heavenly realms],” Sigulim says. 

“It’s really hard to to keep that in mind as you’re sitting with your family in a bomb shelter, but we have to remember to keep that in mind.” 

Learn more here about MegaVoice’s mission to bring God’s Word to people across the world. 



Header photo is a representative stock photo courtesy of Lara Jameson via Pexels

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