USA (MNN) — In a global economy, what are the best ways to illegally make money?
- Sell drugs.
- Sell people.
Over 27 million men, women, and children have been sold for work or pleasure in the world’s second-largest illegal trade: human trafficking.
The most common cause behind human trafficking is sexual exploitation, and according to the International Labor Organization (ILO), $31.6 billion of the profits generated each year by forced labor are from trafficking victims.
“Christians ought to be outraged,” says Adam Jeske of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
“These are people made in the image of God that deserve to be free, to be healthy.”
From October 1-12, InterVarsity is helping college kids fight human trafficking with the student-led Price of Life campaign.
The Price of Life Invitational in New York City connects students and interested passersby with the anti-human trafficking efforts of over 75 partnering groups.
InterVarsity chapters at 17 colleges in the city are taking part, too..
“The Price of Life is an incredible opportunity to invite people who are currently following Jesus to live that out,” says Jeske, “in a way that is very tangible and attractive to a watching world.”
At each event, students engage people in conversations about human trafficking through “proxe stations.” Eye-catching artwork at each “station” gets things started, and as students move past the “how” questions to the “why,” the Gospel takes the stage.

Ohio State students take place in a Price of Life event on campus.
(Photo courtesy York Moore via Flickr)
“There’s a whole bunch of Millennial students on campuses in New York City who know that human trafficking exists,” Jeske explains. “They know that it’s wrong, and they’re already organized against it, but they might not know why this is so important.
“We think it’s because they’re formed in the image of God, they know right and wrong, and Jesus is calling them into relationship with Him.”
Engaging fellow students in conversations about human trafficking opens the door for InterVarsity members to share the hope of Christ.
“It’s an opportunity for us to lead and say, ‘This is why it’s wrong.’ This is where we draw power in order to fight it,” Jeske states.
Want to learn more? Click here to find locations and get involved with the Price of Life campaign.
Pray for Price of Life students and staff. “They’re taking risks, they’re addressing their campuses, they’re planning events,” says Jeske.
Pray that friendships formed during Price of Life will lead to faith in Christ.
“The students are more equipped to reach their own campuses [through Price of Life],” Jeske says, “and then there’s just the ongoing relationships that come out of something like this.”