India (MNN) — An enthusiastic response to evangelistic vision in India has created a unique challenge for Audio Scripture Ministries.
ASM's Tom Dudenhofer says their partner, World Cassette Outreach, held a distribution last month. Together, they are bringing the spoken Word of God to the hopeless and impoverished of India. Word For the Family – India is aiming to place the Bible with 25,000 families in the next 5 years.
Interest is growing quickly. WCOI National Director Rev. P. A. Sundara Rajan indicates that all last month, at each distribution point, the demand was greater than anticipated. He writes, "Again, I presented the ministry at Koilpatti in Tamil Nadu on 30 Jan 08. We were unable to accommodate in the building, but they stayed outside and were challenged to use the audio Scriptures."
Dudenhofer says each pastor that registered was expecting to receive two listening kits for distribution. However, "Instead of 200, 300 showed up. In that one day alone, over 870 Scripture listening kits were distributed. While this is exciting news, it also means that the supply of the special cassette Scripture players now are going to be exhausted," which means they're running out of kits. But that won't stop the hunger.
At this rate, the supply of the Mithra players* will be exhausted in March. In light of what happens at the end of a distribution, that's something the ministry can ill-afford.
National believers survey villages, looking for those willing to become listening families (listening centers) in the village. They are enrolled in the program and purchase a Scripture kit (Comprising of a Scripture player and Scripture tapes). Usually, as the family listens, the other tapes are shared with others. There is constant circulation of God's Word. Later, they are visited by local evangelists to help clarify any questions or doubts they might have. Within the next year, another visit takes place, and those who are willing are baptized and connected with a local church (or a local church is begun).
The openness is greater than ever before. So is the urgency. Dudenhofer explains, "Now we have to fund the manufacturing of new players. We see this as a real important need, because they're out of players. This is a real open door, a real opportunity to reach many. he pastors will take these Scripture listening kits and multiply many times the number of people who get to listen to God's Word this way. Our partners have a goal of 9,000 kits this year."
It costs just $65 to sponsor a Mithra Scripture player kit. Click here if you can help.
*The Mithra is a new tape player that is being designed and created by WCOI for the Word for the Family project. This is a tape player that will run like a normal cassette player but will play tapes at about one-third of its normal speed.