USA (MNN) – What is the target of a campus ministry? Students? Professors? Staff? No; it’s the campus itself.
What is Campus Ministry
“People conceptualize campus ministry as doing evangelism, discipleship, Bible study

(Photo courtesy of InterVarsity)
missions, to a campus population, as if students were targets. And that is not at all how we conceptualize campus ministry, we care about the institution itself,” says York Moore of campus-focused ministry InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
The university is more than buildings and students; it’s a culture-changing force for future generations. Future leaders, doctors, and judges are beginning their journeys now. Learn more about InterVarsity’s mission to reach campuses here.
The Influence of the University
“The university is.. a source of power in our culture. It creates culture, and it creates leaders for the next generation. And so if we’re going to be serious about, say, reaching the world or seeing culture change in America, we better make sure that the university is high on the list,” Moore says.
As he sees it, Jesus cares about it all, from research and scientific studies to football games and campus events.

(Photo courtesy of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship–Greek InterVarsity)
“It’s part of the kingdom of this world that will one day become the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ,” Moore says, “…Christ died to save sinners from their sins, but Christ rose so that he can reign in victory over all of the systems and structures of this world.”
Understanding this call and influence drives InterVarsity’s passion for college campuses and Moore’s enthusiasm for campus ministry. The atmosphere of transformation and discovery has consistently struck him.
“You have people not only wrestling with their own lives, but they’re wrestling with the big ideas that shape culture and policy and all kinds of things. And we get to be right there in the midst of that moment for the students in that nexus that red hot nexus, where they’re trying to figure it out.”
Praying for the Next Generation
Students on campus today will all play a part in the direction of the future. Pray for wisdom and that they will be equipped with the educational and spiritual tools they need to tackle the challenges coming their way.
Chances are you know a college student or two. Pray for them and their educational and faith journey.
InterVarsity encourages covering campuses in prayer. Consider adopting one to pray for each day or go beyond and start your own group. See InterVarsity tools here. If you’re a student, find out if your campus is one of the 650 with an InterVarsity presence.