Sudan (MNN) — The recent peace accord in war-torn Sudan has opened the way for SIM International to renew their ministry work in the South.
Steve Strauss with SIM says they’re thinking strategically, and God’s opening doors: “Because of the years of devastation, of war, much of the infrastructure has been completely devastated and wiped out. And we have been planning, thinking and invited to come in specifically to work in helping rebuild the educational infrastructure.”
It’s unique, says Strauss, because SIM is partnering with African churches to send their own missionaries, “What will make this especially exciting is that this will not be a team of primarily western missionaries going in, but rather a partnership between SIM and our missionaries from all over the world, and some of our sister churches in Africa, particularly in the church in Ethiopia and Nigeria.”
The area they’ll be working in is not dominated by Islam, and so there’s relative freedom to go in and establish schools and a Christian presence. They’ll be helping with the organization of the educational system and building up the church through evangelism and discipleship.
Right now is the building up the workforce stage, says Strauss, “We’re recruiting Ethiopian, Nigerian and other teachers to go in and work as teacher-evangelists, and they will set themselves up as elementary school teachers but also they will be evangelists and others who on the ground can help the Southern Sudanese church get on its feet again.”
They hope to continuously expand the ministry, establishing 5 teams by last 2005, 10 teams in 2006, and by 2010, SIM hopes to have more than 700 teachers serving in Sudan. The total project will cost around $1.5 million (USD), with support coming from African churches who send out missionaries and support needed from western churches as well.
Pray for peace and for God’s help as they help build an infrastructure that will have a strong Christian base to help the gospel spread and the church flourish.
Visit SIM’s website and look under the Project called “New Sudan: Rebuilding Nation and Church (Evangelism & Church Growth).” Follow the highlighted link above for contact info.