India (MNN) — More people live in India than any other country in the world, except China. With a total population of 1.2 billion people, India far outranks the world's third most-populous nation: the United States, with 316 million.
Over one fourth of India's people are known as the "Untouchables" — Dalits who don't even have a place on the country's infamous caste system. This is the population Gospel for Asia (GFA) serves through their Bridge of Hope (BOH) centers.
And, these are the students GFA is empowering for a brighter future.
Last week, over 400 BOH teenage students gathered at a retreat focused on future career growth. Students also learned how to become a positive influence on society. They heard from GFA Founder and International Director, KP Yohannan, as well as various BOH leaders.
At each BOH center, students learn about Christ through Scripture memorization, stories, and songs. In addition to focusing students on their futures, retreat speakers are also building on spiritual foundations laid through BOH.
Around 10,000 students will attend similar events throughout India in the coming days. Pray students will have 'ears to hear' what God is speaking into their lives.
According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), just over 220 million people in India are between the ages of 15 and 24 years old. As India's youth transition into adulthood, pray they fulfill the Great Commission.
To learn how you can share Christ's love with a child through GFA's Bridge of Hope program, click here.