India (MNN) — In the past month, attacks on Christians have involved two Indian pastors.
Voice of the Martyrs USA reports that the first attack took place on November 4 in the Thane district of Maharashtra. Six Christians were beaten by Hindu militants because of their involvement in prayer meetings. Pastor Vishnu Barad and his wife were in that group. Barad brought his complaint to the police station to be registered, and he was detained instead.
According to another news source, the attack took place during a prayer meeting. The attackers warned the group not to assemble again and left six Christians in the group in the hospital. The source believes such attacks are simply an attempt to intimidate tribal Chrisitans.
Elsewhere, in Uttar Pradesh, another attack took place on November 10. Pastor P.C. Nayak was asked by villagers to meet at the construction site of his new church building. When he arrived, 50 Hindu militants attacked and beat him. Nayak was hospitalized for internal injuries.
Attacks like these are a daily occurrence in India. The anti-conversion laws in place in seven Indian states give support to the militant groups and result in ongoing persecution.