India Slumschool Project

By October 19, 2009

India (MNN) — In the past two decades, the number of people
inhabiting the slums of India has more than doubled.

As the world's largest democracy, India is full of billions
of individuals working hard and thinking progressively. Because of this, the
country has seen much economic progress.

However, this quick-moving progress has left many behind,
according to Worldwide Christian Schools (WWCS). Coupled with a population surge and crop
failures throughout the country, this economic boom makes cities look
attractive, and millions have poured into urban areas.

Unfortunately, there is not enough housing and jobs for
everyone, and many are forced to live in slums and go without.

As parents lack jobs, many are not able to send their children
to schools because they cannot afford the uniforms of public schools or the tuition
of private schools.

"What will they do if they cannot read, write or solve math
problems? As India moves into the future, these children may be left in its
dust," according to WWCS's Web site.

Thus, WWCS started their Slumschool Project.

"Given India's size and potential, educating its
children could change the world," said WWCS President Scott VanderKooy
on their Web site. "The WWCS vision is to ensure that all children have
access to Christ-centered education. In 2009, we focus on India's slums–the
children with the least access to quality schooling."

Through this project, they are assisting three slum schools, helping
them to meet the day-to-day operational costs, as well as providing quality education.

WWCS wants to raise one million dollars for this cause by December
31 and thus renew the hope of children for their future and demonstrate Christ's

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