USA (MNN) — In three short years, the 12 disciples who followed Jesus went from obscurity to the global stage. They were completely transformed by knowing Christ, and they embraced a new life calling to make Him known in all the world.
Today, a handful of Native American believers follow a similar path. The inaugural term is now underway at the On Eagles’ Wings Leadership Center in Arkansas.
“We believe God handpicked this first class,” Brad Hutchcraft says. Hutchcraft oversees On Eagles’ Wings, a division of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries.
“These young leaders are rising above and saying, ‘We want more for our people.’ They want to be messengers of hope and to know how to stand for Jesus.”
Transforming the future
Six Native young people began the nine-month term in October. A class of six students may sound underwhelming, but “even one standing firm for Jesus can make a huge difference in Native America and beyond,” Hutchcraft says.
The term began by addressing identity. “The core goal of our year is to help [students establish] their identity in whom God created them to be and what that looks like, not whatever they were told before now,” Hutchcraft says.
“When we know who we are in Christ, we can live for Him and be more like He wants us to be.”
The process involves the application and demonstration of biblical truths about identity. For example, in one room, “you walk in and see these ripped-up name tags at the foot of a cross in the room,” Hutchcraft says.
“Those ripped-up name tags said ‘rejected,’ ‘unwanted,’ ‘mistake,’ ‘unloved.’ Students were wearing new name tags that said, ‘Child of the Most High God.’”
From this firm foundation, classes will expand to cover the essentials of life and ministry. “In the months ahead, we’re going to cover a lot of topics; everything from basic theological topics to practical things like finances and relationships with others,” Hutchcraft says.
Eventually, students will test their knowledge in the field as interns working alongside Native missions groups and ministries. Learn how you can sponsor a leader here.
Most importantly, pray. “Pray for the students over these next few months; that God would move in their hearts and they would soak up all that is taking place as we’re training them and equipping them,” Hutchcraft requests.
“Pray for all the teachers involved here. It goes beyond our staff to some incredible Native leaders serving on reservations and Native communities around the country.”
Header and story images courtesy of On Eagles’ Wings/Ron Hutchcraft Ministries.