USA (MNN) — Christmas approaches, but it feels different for many this year. A global pandemic has killed millions, crushed livelihoods, and shaken the fabric of society. Many can’t even see their loved ones this year to avoid spreading the sickness.
The holiday consumeristic machine rolls on in the United States, but fewer and fewer can buy the flashy products seen on commercials. Millions of Americans have crossed the poverty line since the pandemic began, and a similar story can be seen around the world.
This year especially, people need to hear the news that God has taken on human flesh in Jesus Christ and that he is the King who will save the world.

COVID-19 patient in Belarus being transported in a special isolation stretcher. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)
Thankfully, says Jeff Johnston of e3 Partner’s that is the focus of the Christian celebration of Christmas. “Christ still died for us and rose again. That God loved us so much that He sent His Son down to save us. Every year it’s important to remember that. But this year, it would be easy to just reflect on all of the hard stuff that’s happened. I think it’s incredibly important to remember that, that ultimately, we still have hope of eternal life with Christ that we still know that our God is in control.”
Emails for Advent
This year, e3 Partners has developed an Advent email campaign. Johnston explains. “Some of them are just encouraging words with scriptures, reminding people what Christmas is about with some encouraging words. And then some of the emails involve stories that we’ve gotten from the field this year.” These stories come from their partners in various countries, but also from the many virtual mission trips e3 Partners has done this year in response to the pandemic.
The goal of this campaign? Giving people a moment to focus on Jesus in the midst of a different but still busy holiday season. To sign up for these emails, visit e3partners.org/engage.
Continue to pray that God will give e3 Partners creativity in the year ahead to keep reaching many people with the good news that Jesus has come into the world. And pray many would find hope in Him this Christmas season.
The header image shows an ancient nativity depiction from the 4th century in Rome. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain)