Russia (MNN) — Immanuel’s Child is just days away from its Christmas debut and as many gear up for the New Year, the Slavic Gospel Association is in its final preparations for Christmas in Russia.
Christmas in Russia

(Photo courtesy of SGA via Facebook)
Immanuel’s Child is SGA’s Christmas ministry in Russia and many other Central Asian countries. The outreach program helps national churches shares the hope of the Gospel with both local children and adults. This outreach ministry also serves as a type of springboard into year-round ministry.
Russia’s Christmas, which takes place January 7th with a week of celebration leading through January 12th, many homes open their doors for carolers and more, share meals with complete strangers, and are more willing to attend a church service for the holiday than any other time of the year. Essentially, the Christmas season literally opens doors when most other times of the year they are closed.
“They see Christmas as a tremendous opportunity for the sake of the Gospel. Even now many churches and individuals have given towards Immanuel’s Child as well as [sent] their Christmas stars that are signed with their name that [are] all being shipped over throughout the twelve countries we serve,” SGA’s Eric Mock shares.
The money sent to help supplement national churches during their Christmas outreach is used to purchase resources for Christmas services, Christian literature to be handed out, Bibles, and gifts purchased locally for children. The kids who receive these gifts also receive a star from a family who has donated to Immanuel’s Child and has committed to praying for that child.

(Photo courtesy of SGA)
However, with just a few days before the outreach kicks off, SGA is asking for a little bit of last minute help.
“Continue to give to the support of Immanuel’s Child,” Mock asks. “We’re actually on our fifth distribution already of funds and stars and literature, getting that out to the churches as they prepare for outreach during the first few weeks of January.”
Will You Pray?
Furthermore, SGA is also preparing to send over some staff to assist national churches with handing out the Christian literature, gifts, and even Christmas caroling. During their time in Russia, staffers are able to see for themselves how SGA funding is helping churches and report back to SGA staff and the ministry’s supporters.
So as the SGA and national churches prepare for the upcoming holiday season, will you pray?
“First of all, pray for strength. When we travel across multiple time zones and do it quite frequently, it can be a little bit exhausting. But there are missionaries at SGA who are giving their time and their lives to serve these churches,” Mock shares.
“And we just ask that you would pray for them, the SGA staff, the travel. Pray that their travel would be safe and just lift them before the Lord that they would be encouraged.”
To donate to Immanuel’s Child, click here!
To learn more about Immanuel’s Child, click here!