USA (MNN) — "The need for Scripture and Christian
literature around the world is growing at a pace that's really
That's IBS-STL's Steve Johnson who has just been appointed
to be the organization's Global Publisher.
An 11 year veteran of IBS-STL, he'll oversee operations in Africa, Asia,
the Americas and Europe.
According to Johnson these are strategic areas because of a
shift in the global Christian community. "In the not too distant future
there may be as much as 70-percent of the world's evangelical population living
in the global south in places like Latin America, Africa, China and South Asia.
As a result, what we're seeing is the growing need for Scriptures and
Christians literature among a community of Christians around the world that
doesn't have access to it."
As he takes on his new duties, he says, "Our emphasis
is going to be on increasing the number of translations and increasing the
speed with which those translations get done so that the Word of God can get
into the hands of people who are not native non-English speakers. Right now we
have more than 50 translations in process."
However, print translation won't be their only focus in the
global south. "Some people would claim that as much as 70-percent of the
people in the global south is functionally illiterate. So, we've got to start
being aggressive in producing product that exists in audio format, visual format,
multi-media, making the Word of God as accessible as it can be in any culture,
regardless of their ability to read."
Johnson says the global south will continue to be IBS-STL's
major focus. "We see the move of God in astounding ways in the global
south where the church in many of these places is absolutely exploding, but at
the same time we see ill-equipped leadership. So, what we recognize is the
focus has to be on the global south where the Lord is moving."
Johnson served (the former) international Bible Society in
key positions, including Director of Communications, Vice President for
Ministry Services, and most recently , Group Vice President Americas.
Keith Danby, IBS-STL Global President/CEO says, "He is
the right man for such a time as this to lead IBS-STL in meeting the needs for
Scripture and other Christian resources
around the world.