International (MNN) — Although the transatlantic slave trade ended two-hundred years ago, an estimated 800,000 people are trafficked across borders each year. IBS-STL Global is partnering with Bristol Bay Production and World Changers, LLC to challenge churches to combat this modern day slave trade.
These organizations came together with the common goal of changing the world and community by ending modern day slavery. They created a kit containing resources that will help churches to engage in the continued battle against human trafficking. The kit includes: Amazing Grace DVD, World-Changers Live to Serve book by Bob Beltz and Walt Kallestad, Five-week, small-group discussion guide, and Once Blind: The Life of John Newton book by Kay Marshall Strom
Human trafficking continues worldwide, despite an anti-slavery victory in 1808. Many countries rationalize this practice as an economic necessity, and as a result, an estimated 12.3 million people are trapped in sexual servitude or forced labor at any given time. Thirty-nine countries are on the U.S. "special watch" list — countries with a high number of trafficking victims and who are making no effort to combat human trafficking. China, India, Brazil, Mexico and Russia are among the countries included on the list.
The U.S. is not exempt from this problem. According to the Central Intelligence Agenc, an estimated 50,000 people are trafficked into or through the U.S. for sexual or labor exploitation. In June, a New York couple was convicted of forcing two housekeepers to years of involuntary servitude; a prostitution sting resulted in 21 children being freed from a sex-trafficking ring that spanned 16 major U.S. cities. Just as it took courageous churches and individuals to end slavery in the 1800's, it will take courageous people and churches to change the world today.
"We view World Changers as a powerful resource for the church to give people a passion to fight oppression," said Authentic Marketing Director Mike Dworak. World Changers resources will help churches and individuals carry out Christ's mandate to break the bonds of the poor and oppressed.
"In Isaiah 58, God calls us to ‘loose the chains of injustice and…to set the oppressed free.' He then promises to bless us as we obey."
For more information or to purchase a kit, go to http://www.worldchangersresources.com/shoppe.html