USA (MNN) — You may have seen the t-shirts, billboards, or bumper stickers. I Am Second is all it says. The subtle message is obvious, but did you know it's a campaign focused on telling salvation stories of average and not so average people.
The I Am Second campaign is a ministry of e3 Partners . E3 spokesman John Humphrey describes I Am Second. "It's really intended to bring inspiration to both believers and those seeking to take a step closer to God, and it's simply through the lives of the stories of others and the inspiration we can get from that."
IAmSecond.com is where you can find nearly 80 inspirational videos, printed material, and other resources to help you share Christ with a huge demographic. Humphrey says I Am Second just released another film featuring Annie Lobert. "As a young girl, [she] experienced heartache in her family–her father turned his back on her–as well as heartache in high school after being promiscuous, and that led her eventually through a series of circumstances into a life of prostitution."
It's the longest of any of the I Am Second films. It's about 13 minutes in length, but Humphrey says it's riveting. "For any parent who has young children and they want to make certain that they are loved, this is enough to go ahead and discipline you into that."
Since her conversion to Christ, Lobert is doing what she can to reach out to hurting women. "Annie herself has started her own ministry there in Las Vegas entitled Hookers for Jesus, ministering to those girls who are going through that or maybe who are victims of sexual trafficking and found themselves in that world, to help them get out."
I Am Second is more than three years old. Humphrey says e3 has seen "thousands and thousands of people coming to Christ. Millions of people have seen the films worldwide — 200 plus countries. People are being impacted by I Am Second small groups all around the world."
There are resources available to help you share your faith, too. "Just the phrase I Am Second on a t-shirt or on a wristband or in other ways causes spiritual conversations. Teachers [ask] at a school, 'Why are you wearing that shirt? What does that mean?' And then that gives a student an opening to share the Web site or go deeper about the meaning behind it all."
If you'd like to see the new film, click here. If you'd like to get I Am Second resource information, click here.